Workflow for maintainers#

In order to ease the process of maintaining, the following strategy is applied for the development of DFTB+ and related projects.


We have three groups of developers with different access rights to the repositories:

  • Coordinating developers (repository administrators): They are responsible for strategic decisions. Some of them also represent the project externally.

  • Core developers (repository maintainers): Experienced, skilled developers contributing regularly to the projects and having a good overview of the project. They are often responsible for certain sets of features within the code.

  • Contributors: casual contributors.

Access Rights#

The groups as listed above have following rights:

  • Repository administrators: They have all possible rights on the repositories, including the possibility to grant rights to other developers.

  • Repository maintainers: They have write access to project repositories. They can review and merge pull requests (PR). They can write into the corresponding repository of contributors during the review process. They have access to the test server, so that they can execute extended tests on the code in a pull request.

  • Contributors: They have the usual read and fork rights as granted by GitHub and can of course submit pull requests.

Merging pull requests#

The following rules are currently applied when merging pull requests:

  • All changes to the master branch should be made via pull requests.

  • Pull requests must be approved by a maintainer before they can be merged. Pull requests issued by a maintainer must be approved by another maintainer.

  • Trivial pull requests can be merged by any maintainer, provided self-submitted code has been approved by another maintainer.

  • Pull requests with non-trivial or substantial changes (major re-structuring, changes in code behavior, large functionality additions, etc.) must be discussed with and approved by an admin before merging.

  • Pull requests should pass the extended manually triggered buildbot tests (not just the automatic Travis tests triggered by GitHub) before they can be merged.

  • Both, the person making the pull request and the person merging the pull request are responsible for the quality and the impact of the merged changes.

Merging strategy#

Following strategy should be applied when merging the pull request:

  • If the PR contains a single commit only and is based on current master, it can be merged by fast-forward.

  • In all other cases, a merge commit should be created.

  • The code in the PR should be brought up to date with master by the contributors before the review. The contributors are of course free to decide, whether they accomplish this via a merge (merging master into the feature branch) or via a rebase (rebasing the feature branch on current master – only for skilled contributors!). However, once the review has started, no further rebases of the feature branch should happen.

Packaging releases#

A DFTB+ release is created by an annotated tag in the git repository either using the online interface provided by GitHub or the command line with

git tag -as <version>

This task is usually performed by repository administrators.

Updating the conda-forge feedstock#

Before a release tag is create in the main git repository the respective commit should be tested with the conda-forge toolchain. To do this without a local conda installation, fork the respective feedstock repositories from the conda-forge organisation (e.g. if you plan to make a release in the dftbplus/mpifx, you can find the feedstock at conda-forge/mpifx-feedstock) and update the recipe/meta.yaml file to the release commit.

For a detailed workflow visit the conda-forge documentation about updating feedstocks.

To test a potential commit, download the commit using the git archive function and determine its SHA256 checksum with

> wget<commit>.tar.gz -O dftbplus.tar.gz
> sha256sum dftbplus.tar.gz

Update the url and sha256 in the source field of the recipe.

  url:{{ name }}/archive/<commit>.tar.gz
  sha256: <sha256>

Also, you want to reset the build number and bump the version number to the prospective release while already on it. Check the patches section and remove any patch already applied in master.

If you have a local conda-smithy toolchain available, rerender the feedstock

> conda update conda-build conda-smithy conda-forge-pinning
> conda smithy rerender

Read the output of the rerender step carefully, than commit your changes including the maintenance line suggested by conda-smithy and push to your fork of the feedstock. If you do not have a local conda-smithy toolchain available commit anyway and push to your fork, but request the conda-forge webservice to rerender for you when creating the pull request.

Follow the usual GitHub workflow to create pull request against the feedstock repository, read the pull request template and tick of all points you have done, use a strikeout to remove irrelevant points. Adding an additional unticked item like bump to release tag seems prudent. If you have not yet rerendered the feedstock, add the suggested line to request the conda-forge webservice to rerender for you.

After successfully creating the pull request, wait for the friendly conda-forge webservices to comment into your pull request, usually the linter and, if you requested to rerender, also the webservice bot will comment on your pull request. Now, you can check the continuous integration runs at Azure pipelines, Travis CI and/or Drone CI. For DFTB+ this can take several minutes to build all the possible targets. Everything should pass before you finally create the release tag and insert the correct release URL and SHA256 hash. Adding the automerge label is also a possibility to let the conda-forge webservice handle the feedstock update for you after the CI is passing. In case the build fails inspect the logs and open an issue at the upstream repository, than go fix the issue and repeat from the beginning.

Note, some feedstocks are split into several packages, for example the Python API of DFTB+ is separated from the main DFTB+ package, in this case you have to update several feedstocks at once.

Setting up a local conda-forge toolchain#

To bootstrap a new conda environment tailored for conda-forge start by installing miniforge with the correct installer from the latest miniforge release. After installing conda setup a conda-build toolchain by installing

> conda install conda-build conda-smithy conda-forge-pinning

Enter the feedstock you want to build and start conda-build with

> conda build recipe

After the build has finished successfully you can install the freshly built package (assuming you used the dftbplus-feedstock) in a new environment to test it

> conda install dftbplus --use-local -mn dftbplus
> conda activate dftbplus
> which dftb+

Giving the complete spec as <name>=<version>=<hash> might be necessary to get the locally built package installed, you can find the complete specs in the conda-build output.

Running conda build with docker#

Alternatively you can run the conda-forge builds in docker containers to avoid your local development environments to pollute the conda-build. Check the conda-forge namespace at docker-hub for suitable containers, at the time of writing the comp7 toolchain is in use for Linux. Pull the container and create an instance, you might also want to enter it interactively to check the conda-build result afterwards:

> sudo docker pull conda-forge/linux-anvil-comp7
> sudo docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/feedstock/recipe:/home/conda/recipe conda-forge/linux-anvil-comp7
$ conda build recipe

Run the last command inside the container. After the build has finished successfully you can install the freshly built package (assuming you used the dftbplus-feedstock) in the container and test it with

$ conda install dftbplus --use-local
$ which dftb+

Giving the complete spec as <name>=<version>=<hash> might be necessary to get the locally built package installed. Remember that you are probably missing most of your development toolchain inside the container, therefore, add directories with Slater–Koster files or input files to the container by mounting the additional directories with the -v option in advance.